Settings and data file locations

This article describes where Wincaps Q4's various configuration settings and data files are stored.  These files are created  and maintained automatically by Wincaps Q4 and should not be edited or changed manually under normal circumstances.


 You must enable the "show hidden files and folders" option and disable the "hide protected operating system files" option in the Windows Explorer in order to see these files and folders.

User-specific files

Each user of Wincaps Q4 has their own personal set of user configuration files that will follow them around if roaming profiles are used.


The files are located in different places depending on the host operating system.


For Windows 10:




The files have the following functions:



The Wincaps Q4 subfolder contains the following additional files:


Workstation-specific files

Settings that apply to the workstation (regardless of user) are stored here:


For Windows 10:




The workstation-specific settings files are as follows:


DataStore configuration


Wincaps Q4 uses the following registry setting to obtain the location of the main DataStore:




This string item contains the URL of the main DataStore web service, e.g.




If the string is left blank or the registry item is omitted entirely, Wincaps Q4 will run in standalone DataStore  mode using only the local DataStore cache.


See Also:

DataStore basics

User options and settings